Volunteer with F3!

We rely on the community to make our programs and events successful and we would love your help to make Flagstaff a great place to live for generations to come!

There are many ways to get involved!

Help F3:

  • Volunteer to help at F3 events, assist with office work and table at events.
  • Volunteer to help us identify and apply for grants.
  • Volunteer to help us with fundraising.

Get involved in your government:

  • Attend City Council and Commission meetings and speak up.
  • City Council meetings: It is critical that council members hear from the public – otherwise, they make their decision in a vacuum. And, we promise, the meetings really are fascinating! You can view upcoming Council agendas on the City’s website and watch the council session streaming. Or, sign up for our e-newsletter and we will let you know when there is an upcoming critical issue on the council agenda.
  • Attend City Council retreats.
  • Attend City Commission meetings: Go to the City of Flagstaff Boards & Commissions page to learn about the various commissions and their meeting times.
  • Serve on City Commissions: There are many commissions such as Planning and Zoning and Open Space Commissions which provide an important voice on these issues to City Council
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