Land Use & the Built Environment

Friends of Flagstaff’s Future supports policies that promote sustainable and equitable growth. This includes mixed use development that includes all housing types, historic neighborhood preservation and adaptive reuse, walkable neighborhoods close to public transit and affordable housing throughout the community. We believe that infill and redevelopment projects should result in “No Net Loss” of affordable housing. We maintain that development must not deplete or damage the environmental stability or the social cohesiveness of the community.

Among the many things related to this commitment are the protection of our water resources (both quantity and purity), open spaces, air quality, viewsheds, and land characteristics that contribute to the ecological beauty of our community. We oppose development that leads to environmental degradation, misuse of resources, and erosion of our shared community wealth. We support development fees that cover the costs of growth, not just for police and fire protection but for all infrastructure including new roads, water and sewer expansion.

We believe that, through the discretionary zoning review process, neighbors and other concerned citizens with an interest in the health of the whole community should carry the same weight — and possibly more– than that of the property owners, developers and business interests who profit from these zone changes.

Important Links

Flagstaff Regional Plan 2030 (City of Flagstaff)

Flagstaff 10-year Housing Plan (2022) (City of Flagstaff)

Southside Community Specific Plan (City of Flagstaff)

La Plaza Vieja Neighborhood Specific Plan (City of Flagstaff)

High Occupancy Housing Plan (City of Flagstaff)

Townsite Historic Design Review Overlay District (2017) (City of Flagstaff) PDF

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