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Communication #10

Dear Friends of F3,

Now is the time to VOTE FOR FLAGSTAFF’S FUTURE! We’ve got a new mayor and three new council members to elect! Need to get a little more jazzed about voting this year? Watch this video!

People who vote make a difference. The people they vote for frame the direction of our local government. The decisions they make will last for many years to come. We are living now with decisions that were made as many as ten years ago!

If you care about Flagstaff’s open spaces, public spaces, view sheds, walkability, bikeability, public transportation, neighborhoods, built environment, climate change, resilience, affordability, locally- owned businesses, water resources, air quality, and historic preservation, then that caring is your reason to vote. 
Your vote is a vote for Flagstaff’s future! 

The Board of Friends of Flagstaff’s Future
• It’s not too late to register to vote:
• It’s not too late to request an early ballot:
• If you’re going to be out of town and forgot to get an early ballot here are the early voting sites:
• Here’s where you can drop your early ballots off:
• Want to know more about candidates for judgeships and the propositions on the ballot? Check out “What’s on My Ballot”:
• The County is in need of election poll workers – sign up here:

Local Efforts: Good Information to Have and to Share

City Climate Survey: Help update Flagstaff’s Climate Action and Adaptation Plan to achieve carbon neutrality! Take the survey!  

Flagstaff City Council Candidate Climate Forum: October 1, 6:45 pm – 7:45 pm.
Register for zoom link:
or listen via Facebook: 
Lived Black Experience in Flagstaff Town Hall session: Free (see below for registration information)
• Oct. 1, 5:30-7 p.m.
Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Flagstaff: 53 children are waiting to be matched with a mentor. To volunteer:

Friends of Flagstaff’s Future was awarded a grant from the Arizona Community Foundation and GeoFund! We are so grateful to these community funders for recognizing F3’s importance and value.


Susie Garretson, F3 President, with check from the AZ Community Foundation